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We support family business with education, networking opportunities and help with family business succession and family business dynamics.

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FBA’s 2024-2027 Strategy

Family Business Association's 2024-2027 strategy was developed in collaboration with our Board and team and launched on 1 August 2024.

This strategy reaffirms our Vision, Mission and Values, and provides a clear focus for the next three years at FBA.

A Message from Our CEO, Catherine Sayer

Family Business Association CEO, Catherine Sayer, shares the 2024 - 2027 strategy. Watch the video below as Catherine takes you through our Vision, Mission, Values and the key strategic areas of focus.

Our strategy has four key strategic areas of focus - Membership, Brand and Advocacy, Business Sustainability and People – which are broken down into external and internal focuses.

Externally, we are focusing on growing our membership and enhancing our branding and advocacy efforts. Through expanding our community, we can add more value to all our members through additional high-quality programs, services, and integrating new technologies to improve your experience. Whilst family businesses represent 70% of businesses across Australia and 75% across New Zealand, it is somewhat a 'silent' sector. We are looking to change this and build greater awareness of FBA and the family business sector. Membership, Brand Awareness and Advocacy play into each other and go hand-in-hand. By growing our membership base, we can represent the voices of family businesses and become far more relevant to policy makers and government to have a strong influence and a seat at the table.

Internally, we aim to ensure business sustainability and foster a values-driven culture for our people. Financial stability will enable us to reinvest in resources, programs and support for our members, while a strong focus on our people ensures that our values are lived and breathed throughout the organisation with a high performing team to achieve our Vision and Mission.

Members are the lifeblood of FBA, the reason why we are here. We are committed to supporting you across the next three years and beyond. Please view the 2024-2027 strategy summary below to learn more about our plans to champion the family business sector and continue to help you grow and thrive. FBA is your association, and we are all here to support you.

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